Episode 5: Treachery & Alliance


When news of Sergeant Morse’s capture reached the headquarters, Teto, the leader of the Segundo Occhio Rossa, was convinced that betrayal had been the cause of the mission’s failure. His right hand officer later wrote: “Teto was blind with fury, pacing back and forth in our make shift office late into the morning hours, screaming out orders at times, and at other times mumbling incoherently. ‘The pungent stench of disloyalty is suffocating’, he shouted, ‘the hour of the wolf will come upon the traitors’, he continued. He stated time and time again that retrieving Oxender [Morse] from Riesgo’s henchmen were our nr 1 priority as of then. A thick fog named paranoia had quietly and rapidly come over our union. Knowing we had a traitor amongst us, it would refuse to leave for a long time to come.”

Mean while, an unexpected reinforcement had arrived to Perceille City, the capital. A team sent out by Chesm-e Kooh-e Alvand, rebels from the eastern regions of the land, had secretly contacted street-officers of Segundo Occhio Rossa and requested a meeting with senior members. Their mission was to suggest an alliance against the Cabinet of Riesgo…


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