Episode 6: The Media and the victory


After the slaughter in Halcon Mansion; the cabinett felt they had to "inform" the public on whats been going on. The news was all over the public internets and all the major (goverment ruled) newspappers.

"We had to do what we did, we are in a war, we killed important key players and the war will be over by the end of this month. There is nothing to be worried about, these kindergarden saboteurs have nothing to put up against us. Unity and Strength. Hail Riesgo!"

Episode 5: Treachery & Alliance


When news of Sergeant Morse’s capture reached the headquarters, Teto, the leader of the Segundo Occhio Rossa, was convinced that betrayal had been the cause of the mission’s failure. His right hand officer later wrote: “Teto was blind with fury, pacing back and forth in our make shift office late into the morning hours, screaming out orders at times, and at other times mumbling incoherently. ‘The pungent stench of disloyalty is suffocating’, he shouted, ‘the hour of the wolf will come upon the traitors’, he continued. He stated time and time again that retrieving Oxender [Morse] from Riesgo’s henchmen were our nr 1 priority as of then. A thick fog named paranoia had quietly and rapidly come over our union. Knowing we had a traitor amongst us, it would refuse to leave for a long time to come.”

Mean while, an unexpected reinforcement had arrived to Perceille City, the capital. A team sent out by Chesm-e Kooh-e Alvand, rebels from the eastern regions of the land, had secretly contacted street-officers of Segundo Occhio Rossa and requested a meeting with senior members. Their mission was to suggest an alliance against the Cabinet of Riesgo…


Riesgo was one step ahead of the terrorists this time. His informer had told him everything about the planned attack, and he was sure the intelligence was correct, nobody could withstand the impeccable methods of Riesgo’s torture, at least not alive.

Riesgo had a special surprise for today’s visitors, a secret weapon; of human flesh and bones.
Trained killers; female killers; with knowledge of breaking a man’s neck with just 1 finger.
The cabinet had to ship them in special cages, for they were known for killing anybody in sight.

Sergeant Morse plan was to kidnap the night shift security guard, and take his plans, not knowing that the cabinet would unleash the trained killers, the sirens.
Morse sent one of his men to take the guards place. Morse men was silently following him.
He knocked on the door and the door opened. But no one was there; he could only hear an enchanting song, being sung by what seems to be a young woman.
He gave a sign to the rest of the men, “Coast clear”. Once all the men was inside, the doors locked behind them, 10 stunning killers stood in front of the men. Suddenly the killers open fire and kill most of the men. Only a few, and Sergeant Morse was captured alive…

Episode 3: Masterplan In The Making


Meanwhile back at the rebel headquarters... A masterplan is being engineered by the leaders of the movement. A first attack is to be made on the infamous Halcon Maison, where the Ministry of Defence has its headquarters. Sergeant O. Morse is awarded the risky task to carry out the operation. Supplied with weapons, explosives and a group of his best men, sergeant Morse goes to work... not knowing that the Cabinet has set a trap and are waiting for him in an ambush...

Episode 2: The shock.


The likes of horror haven’t been seen since the early 2000. Riesgo’s cabinet was all woken up to the news of terror attacks across the capital’s communication networks. The old sirens from the past, foretelling a hard future ahead. Innocent people died that night, but the government couldn’t find any good leads on where abouts of this resistance group. Riesgo was furious, and shot his minister of security in front of the whole cabinet. He would not allow any more mistakes, and certainly not from a gang of hoodlums.

Episode 1: Strike of the Rebels!


After the accidental murder of a teenage boy, a rebel group known only as Segundo Occhio Rossa rally a mob and attack the communicative infrastructure of the illegitimate state. While only inflicting marginal damage to the government, they know the insult towards the authority of the Cabinet of Riesgo will not go unpunished…


In the not so distant future, democracy’s fragile pillars have collapsed and the rule of the logic man has since long been overthrown. Returning to the primal state of the dark ages, citizens of the world observe the power of authority being seized and spoiled by the cunning and the ruthless. At the current position in which we are, a government known as the Cabinet of Riesgo has ruled the land for the last two decades. But lately, there have been reports about underground activity bubbling deep in the catacombs of the shattered communities…

This is the story of the Gerilla Cabinet Wars “told” in a musical format by ChopAcop and O Ne Rawk. Once every couple of weeks or so we will post a new episode in reference to the old one, with beats crafted by Chopacop portraying the Cabinet of Riesgo and Rawk as the rebel group Segundo Occhio Rossa. We hope you enjoy the journey!